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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Monday, August 9, 2010

What beach?

I live about 15-20 mins by metro from the beach (the closest, which doesn't mean the nicest but it is a beach). Guess how many times I've been there since I came on July 31?! Who said none? You win! Well to be honest I actually put my feet in the sea on Sunday but that is not what I mean when I say go to the beach. Made big plans to actually go and enjoy on Sunday, however let's not forget why I'm here in the first place. Studying and school came first and by the time I prepared the unknown journal (yes, done with Macedonian) and my lesson for Monday, it was too late for beach.

However, I had a lovely and busy weekend. Doing some bonding with some classmates -- we know only each other in BCN so why not hang out together?! :) On Saturday we went to Park Guell (Gaudi's Park) and it was wonderful. Except that I missed the memo -- very steep street climbing, some hiking in the park, serious heat exhaustion, and millions of people...

Amazing place though!!! Definitely going back when the crowds are much smaller. And no weekends like real tourists! You really have to be something to design these forms and come up with such ideas. I loved it!

After that it was time for some food in Gracia (the cool neighborhood -- something like Georgetown and Adams Morgan - DC) and of course since we were so hungry and thirsty we started with gelato! Yummy!!!!! Then imagine my sheer joy when I saw a bunch of middle eastern places -- hummus, falafel, baba ganush, shwarma!!!! Heaven!!!! :) Here is a pic of the place we sat down to eat.

Later a few of us went to Barceloneta (the neighborhood around the beach; they also have a boardwalk :) to watch a festival. A lot of bands from EU and BCN playing different type of music along the beach; for free....People dancing and singing, drinking, having fun....I think you get the picture :). Did that again on Sunday night. Wonderful time!!!

Did I mention that I also went out on Friday night?! First night out in BCN! Was fun. With the classmates to Dow Jones Bar. Here is how it supposedly works (even though I didn't really experience it). All drinks have prices as if they are shares on the market. Some could be going up, others down. The reason for a drink to go up is that many people order it. Some can actually go up by 50 or more cents. The coolest part is when the market crashes -- then all drinks are really cheap and is the best time to order!!!! Of course the 2 times that this happened I had half a drink so didn't really need to order a new one (not that we haven't done it at happy hours in DC :). Then off to get some goood Chinese and back to the bar to close it!

A last note: she did the marketing first but my good and brave friend Amy is having an amazing teaching experience in Honduras and we seem to be exchanging ideas through telepathy. You can check her blog at: amyvswild.blogspot.com.


  1. The Atlantic Ocean has nothing on our telepathy! Your pictures are amazing and I can't wait to visit you in Barcelona so that we can hang out all night at Dow Jones Bar and pretend that we care about the economy (a la John and Spencer).

  2. When should I expect you?!?! The market, economy and PR?! Who cares? :)
