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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

More Italy (hold your breath for Spain)

I feel like I'm falling behind -- there is so much to write about...You've prob noticed that I changed the design -- bear with me while I figure things out with the blog. This design is better in terms of viewing pics. And while we are at the subject of pics -- I promise to get better at this too!

Italy is great! I can't wait to see more of it soon. The other two days I went inside the Duomo (had to wear my jeans in the heat) and was even more blown out by it; visited Lake Como; ate more pizza; and some tiramisu; visited a castle; and went out with the girls. The Duomo inside is simply magnificent! I could use more adjectives here but it won't be enough to describe it.

Lake Como is next on the list :). There is a train from Milano to the Lake and it takes about an hour to get there. When I got on the train, it started pouring so badly that I thought my trip was almost ruined. Well, luck was with me -- when I got there it stopped! There is a funicular (translation -- cable railway car which moves on an inclined cliff) going up the mountain and I decided to do that first. The car pretty much goes up the mountain on a 45 degree incline and is really impressive. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the first sun rays when I got up there! You'd think I'd take a long sleeve knowing it'd rain and that I was going to the mountain but not really.....Sleeveless tank and a skirt -- it's summer after all! From there I just wandered around the villas and tiny streets. The villas are huge and amazing; the streets -- like a small village in the mountain. And most of them had cobble stones. You'd also think that I'd put on some flats but I had to have a small heel...There I went barefoot on most of the streets! That wasn't my biggest problem -- most of the little streets I wandered around were deserted. Yes, there were a bunch of Bulgarians here and there from some group but I couldn't wait for someone to show up to take a pic of me. So thank you technology! Self-timer and my good camera propped up on some high stone-wall did the job!

From there I went to the lighthouse which was even further up the mountain and took a small bus. The driver scored some major points! :) Once I got there I had to climb some stairs and...here I was.The view from the top was stunning! I could sit there for hours and just enjoy it....Only a few people; no crazy crowds; beautiful nature and no sound at all. I could live there..In a few decades though :). Something that I found on my way down -- here is a picture and for those BG like me who didn't know it -- the house where Pencho Slaveykov died, away from his country....

Once I decided to go down to the lake and go on a boat, guess what happened?! Some more rain! Didn't stop me though. The only thing is that I had no idea how big the lake was and had to part with the idea to go to Belagio and walk around..Ah, well. I have to save something for next time, right ? :) The boat ride took me to a few of the many little towns around the lake and I was able to get some pictures of "palaces." Some of these villas looked like huge mansions right on the water. Really wanted to see George Clooney and his villa but...I guess he didn't get my memo that that I'd be coming. Saving it for next time :).

From there on I wandered in Como (the town), saw another timeless cathedral and Roman ruins, ate a really good tiramisu, had a companion who was kind enough to take pics of me but even though he was Japanese and was using my Japanese camera, did not do such a good job...Came back to Milano exhausted from yet another wonderful day!

The rest of the sightseeing spots in Milano included Teatro alla Scala and Castello Sforzesco (the Castle). The theater is breathtaking and I was able to take a look inside. Even though there was some kind of cleaning process going on, I could still see its beauty. In the hallway, there were posters of old performances like Aida, Ottelo, Carmen and so forth....

The Castle topped my experiences in Milano! Even though it was built around the 14th century so much is preserved that a visitor can definitely feel its grandeur.Walked around, read, took pictures, saw pieces from centuries ago....I have to say that Milano's visit was great but very overwhelming in terms of history. The Castle even had Michelangelo's last work (or so it's thought) -- Pieta Rondanini...

My wonderful stay in Milano finished with a very nice dinner followed by a visit to a local night bar in the park behind the Castle -- Havana Club! We had to try the Italian night scene and it wasn't too bad. The music was somewhat familiar and the people more jumping than dancing but
we had fun :).

The next day I was off to Barcelona. Which is another blog post...Getting better with the pics but still not there yet. Be patient! More to come on facebook!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Pictures are breathtaking and you look amazing. Keep it up.
