About Me

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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Thursday, August 19, 2010

More teaching

I figured I can start this blog with a pic that has nothing to do with teaching....There will be a lot of posts on teaching. Naturally. I came here for this (besides the 100 other reasons...). I really enjoy it. The more I do it, the more I find true interest in it. And I think I can actually do it. It will take some experience obviously but so far so good. It is soooo much more different than the teaching in BG schools and the English teaching I did back in the days!

So I already had my first lesson with the advanced group and that was a success. Minus the time management which I'm still working on. They had fun, I explained my grammar point well and I'm getting ready for a new one tomorrow. Very different experience from my elementary level though. Very nice -- the students can actually communicate and that makes the lesson more interesting. The elementary on the other hand can be quite entertaining too -- the students try really hard and they can teach you some Spanish :). So far I don't have a favorite level.

I also did my one to one 1-hour lesson with my learner (from my elementary class; doing a learner profile) today. Besides the fact that I've been feeling like crap due to something I caught (nose, ears, head :( ) it went really well! :) He got what I tried to accomplish in 1 hour and was very happy with everything. Made my day!!!! Here is a pic of the board I took while explaining stuff.

So teaching so far is good and rewarding. Especially when you spent hours and hours preparing one lesson and then it goes so quickly...But patience is the key I guess. OK, going to bed now and hopefully tomorrow my cold will be better if not gone!


  1. Feel better!
    I look forward to reading your entries every day.

  2. Macka, mnogo se radvam za teb! Kupona pri teb w 24-7 i taka i triabva da bade!
    }o snimkite i kato cheta v bloga che pri tebe e super fun!!! Maleee, po mnogo mesta si obikaliash.. az imam chustvoto che tam vsichko ti na mngogo blizo i samo vreme da imash i camera da snimash si 6! Aide az obeshtavam da zasilvam komunikaciyat ai da sleda tvoite podvizi")) Pozdravi ot California!
