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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Monday, August 16, 2010


I have been to some festivals -- bigger and smaller, especially neighborhood ones (DC people think Adams Morgan). So I thought I was prepared for Gracia -- everyone has been talking about it (it's great, amazing, how wonderful you will catch it, and so on). My reaction?! OK, I will see it, it must be really nice but come on, enough praises.....Until yesterday when it started and I actually got to see it. The first thing I will tell you is that I left my apartment around 4:30pm and didn't get back until 2:30am.... During that time I was at the neighborhood for all but half an hour and basically walking, dancing, jumping or standing...Non-stop. I thanked my flats a lot! :)

It is a "regular"neighborhood fest except that I've never seen anything like it before! It takes BCN to a new level (even though I'm not sure what more you can add to the list of great things about the city). Such an amazing event!!! And I was there only for 1 day (night). It goes on for a week and I'm definitely going again this week (today doesn't count -- Monday and school work....). A lot of the streets are decorated in the most amazing way and pretty much all the stuff is recyclables -- plastic bottles, toothpicks, cans, etc. I will try to give you as many pics as possible so that you can get some idea (firsthand experience is best though so plan to be here next year around August 15th).

We started walking through the different little streets, trying to make our way through the hundreds of people -- it is amazing! Seriously! :) The atmosphere is great; people are having fun; drinking on the streets; everyone is enjoying to the fullest. There were different stages on different corners and we found the band that was playing rock. Sooooo much fun!!!! From Beatles, to Fink Floyd, U2, Kings of Leon, Nirvana and many many more covers! The show continued for 2.5hrs straight and it was really exciting (I'm running out of adjectives here...).

OK, hopefully I will post some pics on facebook -- there are so many great pics but not enough room here...Stay tuned :) (and follow me if you haven't done so already).


  1. Rdost, I am loving all the pictures. So glad to hear that you're loving it!

  2. KK, glad somebody likes it!!!! :)
