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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Friday, August 27, 2010

Last week

I know it's been a while. I even got scolded for not writing....It's been a little crazy with the round up of the course but it's almost over so no more excuses! So in a nutshell the past week was studying, end of Gracia fest, more studying (whole weekend like a prisoner), teaching, projects, exam, starting celebrations, and sending CV to many many emails.

I have to start with Gracia. There is no festival like this one! I probably said this a million times and can say it more....It is such an amazing fest!!!! The streets are magical, there are bands playing on every corner, people are enjoying (dancing, drinking, singing), and did I mention the streets?!?

Last Friday we decided to go to Gracia before we imprisoned ourselves for the weekend with big final projects due this last week. It was a great night out -- drinking, dancing, listening to live music and enjoying! It was also the last night of Gracia (at least for me). I have to say that the atmosphere was amazing and the people matter of course. Got a great mohito at a Brazilian Bar (see pics below), some sweets (different baklava pieces) at a local fresh store after I had eaten a very delicious shwarma! :)

The weekend was tough. Basically I went out for 15 mins (Sat and Sunday) and stayed home on Saturday night. I know! Unheard of! But I had a headache (not from studying but that damn cold) and around 9pm got really lazy. So besides studying and trying to finish everything I did not do a single cool thing.....:( That said I do not regret it at all because the week wasn't so hectic and I've had time to focus on some important stuff like redoing my CV (basically from scratch) and sending it out.

The mood at the school has changed tremendously! :) Plans are being made for the coming weekend and the next weeks, people are more relaxed, we had drinks and appetizers on the roof tonight followed by more drinks (and free shots; don't ask) at a local really cool bar where they played Grease, Dirty Dancing and more! :) If you haven't checked the post time of this blog it is around 3am right now and I'm about to go to bed soon. I kinda have an interview/exam tomorrow with the moderator from Trinity but I am not really worried about it...Well, just in case keep your fingers crossed!

Other exciting news?! Hm not really... Besides the fact that I just received my debit card today after I went to the bank on Wednesday to ask where it is and also get some money from my account. The ATM is supposed to have English but I couldn't figure out how it works with the "libreta"(remember the paper thing I got which can also give you money?!)...So as a result I had to wait in line for 20 minutes for the only cashier to be able to get some money from the account...Customer service on a different level. Tomorrow I'm going there again to pick up a new card and probably return the one I just got in the mail because it should be cancelled. At least that's what I think but with banks here you just never know....

I can't finish without saying that on Thursday I spent the best 14 euros so far! We went to a Nepalese restaurant and had a great shared meal with some wine :)! Very, very, very tasty!!! Close to Indian but a little different. Waiting for Jen (my landlady) to take me to a good Ethiopian place that she knows and I also need to find the BG store -- priorities for next week! Can't find in the stores here feta (or BG) cheese at all and they also only have small containers of yogurt! Very disappointing! Not only this but you have to be careful not to buy the one with the sugar...Learned that the hard way.....Spanish is also urgently on the agenda!!!!!

As a last goodnight (or morning) I want to challenge every single person who just read this to leave a comment. Your comment could be your name, good, bad, whatever you can think of. I'm just trying to see and actually convince myself that there are people out there reading it....OK, will write very soon again! Keep fingers crossed for final day tomorrow!!! :)


  1. The Romanian store is also an option for feta-like cheese and it is more central than the BG store so in case you're interested I can give you directions. :)

  2. Radost, az gi 4eta vsi4kite vapreki 4e ne comentiram :-). Prodaljavai, mn e interesno ...

  3. Romanian store?! Please let me know where it is!!! Dobre, Venetka! :)

  4. Hope you can open the links:

    Romanian store (no fillo dough, if you want to make баница the BG store is your only option):


    A cool place selling cheap cocktails (from your last post thought you might appreciate mojitos for 3,50):


  5. Thanks for the links!!!! (I think they are identical though). Maybe we can meet for a mojito at this cool place and you can show it to me? :)

  6. Sure, will be happy to meat another US-educated Bulgarian living in Barcelona over a drink :) Where do I email you my info?

  7. Thought I have my email visible...Check it in the view my profile. :)
