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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Monday, November 22, 2010

Why I love BCN

It's been almost 4 months since I came to BCN and during this time I've had many ups and downs. It's actually been pretty much all the time like an emotional roller coaster. Leaving behind 9 years of my life (which was a roller coaster in many ways too) in the USA was/is easier said than done. Actually it wasn't so easy to say it. People literally looked at as if I was crazy when I told them about my choice.

Anyway, BCN has been wonderful in many ways. People ask me all the time if I like it and I answer "Yes, I love it!". And then I start thinking why?! What is it that I love about that city? Why do I feel so much at home? Why is that the only thing I miss from the USA are my friends?

BCN is a beautiful city! Everywhere you go you see it around you -- buildings on the streets, balconies, parks, street art, lamp posts, signs, trees. Sometimes when I have time to stroll around I walk with my eyes up and I have to remember to look down because I will either bump into someone or step on something.....It continues to amaze me. I discover new things every day even on the streets I walk regularly. I don't know when you get tired of this.....

BCN is full of life. It's not only the tourists but also the hundreds international people who live here -- some more permanently, others -- temporary. Any time you go out, you can see that everyone is enjoying living in the city and the atmosphere is lively, noisy and many times in the city center -- dirty. It has such a positive and energetic vibe that you cannot not fall in love with it.

BCN attracts international people and you can socialize with people from around the world, exchange ideas and cultural experiences. The locals can be a different story. It's great to be with open people who love to have good times and are not afraid to meet new and different cultures. Many locals (not all, because I've have met some wonderful locals) seem the opposite. They are closed and don't really let internationals get closer to them. Which is too bad really but the city offers numerous possibilities.

Sunny days
The weather here is amazing! It has rained a few times since I got here and it the summer (even now) it was a downpour every time but there is so much rain as in USA or BG for example. And the sun!!!!! :) I love it! Most days are sunny and having tea on my rooftop terrace is an experience that I can hardly trade for anything else right now. Getting colder at the end of November but I hear that the temperature rarely gets below zero in the winter. Can definitely live at a place like this ;).

OK, will stop the list here for now and will continue again another time because this post will be too long otherwise.....Besos to all!!!!!!!! Oh I almost forgot! We have follower number 21!!!! :):):) Yeay!!!!


  1. am I one of those rare wonderful locals?

  2. Of course! You don't even need to ask! :)

  3. isn´t it funny that if i got down to it i´d say the exact same thing? barcelona is about all that and even if by some standards it may not add up to much, it has just those very basic life-affirming things you only get to really appreciate after you've already tried to live in a place or two. apart from home that is. thanx Radost!

  4. Number 21 would just like to sit around and hold yet another cup of tee ;) and be just the next "ordinary" foreigner :D. Locals couldn't bother enough, as you say and see - the list is too long ;)))

    Keep Enjoying, you "nailed" it! :))))

  5. I am soo happy for you! Insanely jelous, of course, but very very happy!! :)) I look at the card you sent us and from where I'm looking I almost cannot imagine that people live in a gorgeous bustling city like Barcelona ... that YOU live there! We need to get out of here, too :))
