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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving in BCN

Big bird :)
First of all -- Happy Birthday, Gale!!!!!!!!! :)
Been behind with the post but it's been a little busy these past days with different activities and even though the blog was on my mind, I couldn't really find the time to sit down and write. Plus even if I have some time I have to be in a special mindset to write....:)

Table is set
So we celebrated Thanksgiving in BCN! I love this holiday and I think that wherever I am I will try to celebrate it. Especially when you have some good friends to share the spirit of Thanksgiving with.....I am thankful this year for: friends -- new and old and future ones. Without you many things wouldn't be the same!!! My family -- even though we have our occasional fights and differences, I'm so glad to be closer to you and to be able to share experiences and time together. The opportunity to be here in BCN. I'm thankful for the way all circumstances took me here and the opportunities that the city presented to me.

British pudding....Yummy! 
Everyone cooked a dish and we had so much food that it was had to even breathe...I did the turkey (as a specialist :) and think the result was pretty good. The mashed potatoes, green beans, gravy, sweet potato thing (sorry can never remember the name of it), roasted peppers, pudding, desserts, great company -- everything was wonderful!

Our plates were so full but we kept adding from all the dishes and then ate it all. Of course when food stays on the table you can't really stop eating. Also it doesn't help much when you are wearing jeans (a little tight because I have to admit that I've gained some pounds and nothing fits quite it should)....

Ready turkey! :)
Here is the biiiig bird!!!!!!! It was 15 lbs -- a lot of left overs. I have to admit that doing the turkey here is very very different from doing the bird in the USA. In USA you go to the store, get the bird, get the huge pan, come home and just wash it, take out the little plastic bag from inside with the extras, the bird's legs are tied with a string and then you put it in the oven. BCN -- have to find a big enough turkey, go home and start taking out feathers from the bird which takes a while, have to wash it a lot, the pan is not big enough and then it doesn't quite fit in the oven.....Anyway, you take it as an experience! :)

Full table

Carving the turkey....
We had to have a guy (American) cut the bird so great job, Ryan! :) Got home in the early morning hours, completely stuffed and comatose! What a great night with friends! :):):) Thank you, guys! BTW, we have a follower #22.....;)

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