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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How to boil an egg

Any suggestions?! My cooking skills (or lack of such) continue to amaze me.....Yes, people are usually amazed at other people; I'm often amazed at myself. Go figure.

It turns out that I can't cook a soft-boiled egg....Yeah. Hard-boiled, almost hard-boiled -- you name it, I can do it. But soft boiled with the running yolk -- no success. Most of you know how limited my cooking skills are (with the exception of "banitsa" I can't really do much more) but now are probably even more "impressed".

I really wanted a soft-boiled egg. I guess I'm always scared that the white (I love how ENG just calls it "the white" stuff of the egg..) will be undercooked so I leave them an extra minute or so. Enough to make them close to hard. I even googled how to cook soft-bolied eggs....(yes, thank you Google).


To my credit (if I can get any for not knowing how to boil an egg at 31..), it turns out that it is much harder to do the soft-boiled egg than the hard one. Well it completely makes sense of course but it sounds different coming from a cooking website :).

Maybe next time I will try the tactics they describe. If I really have the patience to try and learn how to do it. It's all about desire and I have none for cooking. Sometimes when I see my bro cooking I really think that something is wrong with me. I can get so lazy and lack any desire to cook food that I'd rather not eat than prepare a meal. It's good that this doesn't happen often otherwise I will be starving myself.

OK, I ate my 2 almost hard-boiled eggs and was somewhat happy. :) Off to lesson preparation now.

1 comment:

  1. heheheh, this made me laugh and I know your cooking "abilities"! You do make awesome banitsa though :) I'm kind of the opposite - if I had the time I would totally cook more often....remember that baked brie and cheesepuffs :) Ok back to writing thesis {}
