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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Friday, November 5, 2010

BCN life

Getting used to life in BCN is somewhat easy, somewhat hard. Here is the easy part: meeting new people; partying with friends; enjoying places in BCN; discovering hidden bars, parks, buildings; falling in love with the city...The hard part is taking things easy. Things such as: impolite people who can run you over if you are not careful or are too polite; tourists who have no idea what, where, how and why at the very moment you are running to catch your train; people who decide that they've had too much to drink at 2am and the only place to pee is your street/door; banks.

Let's talk about banks. Again. I tried to go to the bank twice this week and open a savings account (yes, teachers need one, otherwise we don't know what to do with our money :). Here is how it unfolded. I went on Tuesday before work. Mind you that I gave myself around 40 minutes for this. Enough time? Wrong! The closest branch next to me is across the street and there are always people there. I waited patiently (or not) for about 30 mins. Finally I was able to sit down with a very nice woman who, surprise surprise, spoke ENG!!!!

Me: I'd like to open a savings account (give her the "libreta")
Her (looking at the libreta): Oh, but your main branch is not here. You have to go there.
Me (very puzzled): This is the same bank. I can't do it here?!
Her: No. Sorry.
After a few minutes of me looking miserable
Her: I can close the current account and open 2 new ones with this being the main branch.
Me (smiling): Great! Let's do it.
Her: OK, I need your NIE.
Me: You have all the info already. I'm a customer.
Her: No, I need the actual paper.
My NIE paper is the official doc I got way back in August. This is like asking for your actual SS card......
Me (looking at my clock): Well, maybe tomorrow. I don't have time today. Bye.

The next day I decided to go in the morning. Figured there will be less people. Wrong! This time I waited almost an hour and in the end just left. I figured I won't open a savings account now and I won't go to my initial branch. End of story for now.

I learn to smile though, take it as my BCN experience ad just remember that it is BARCELONA!!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Take you time with getting used to it and don't go "down" to their level by stressing yourself only.

    Right, relax, enjoy the better things and Smile :))) You're there, positive is more than negative, you'll be fine :)

    Many smiles to the South for you :)))
