About Me

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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Sunday, October 31, 2010


What inspires you?! I got this bug in my head lately about inspiration in life and what makes us break the routine. Routines are good most of the time but as one person said not too long ago, we have to find ways to break them sometimes (sometimes more often).

Different things, people, actions, etc inspire me at this point in my life.

My friends inspire me. Those who are pursuing educational goals; those who are enjoying life to the fullest; those who are embarking on the hardest journey ever -- family and children; those who have stepped firmly on the ground and those who are flying up high.

My family inspires me. In a different way with its family routines and strange relationships; with its dedication; with its constant surprises and good and bad moments.

My students inspire me. The kids with their zest for learning and incredible energy; the teenagers with their amazing ideas and thinking; the adults with their daily life and experiences.

Traveling inspires me. Exploring new countries and cultures; getting lost in cities and wondering around discovering hidden treasures; getting immersed in new cultures and languages; taking pictures.

Volunteering inspires me. Donating your time and/or money to a cause you believe is worth saving; helping someone achieve a dream in their life; simply being there for someone who needs you.

Nature inspires me. Standing on the beach listening to the waves and just looking at the endless horizon in the sea; admiring an incredible view from a top in the mountain; simply enjoying nature's amazing creatures and creativity.

Ever day life inspires me. People strolling around; children being children; beautiful art on the street by an unknown artist; flowers blossomed at unusual places.

What insipres you? What makes you move on and live every day as if it is a brad a new day?! When was the last time you thought about it?! :) Ideas in my head..................

1 comment:

  1. The BEST!
    Радост, du hast dich übertroffen (according to g. tr.: you have surpassed thee)!
    I'm happy for you, what else could one add?
    Maybe mom's pancakes on a sunny sunday terrace :))) and the Mom including ;)) and the bro :D
    Happyness is just aroung the corner :)))
