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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Friday, October 1, 2010

Apartment and my bro

View from the apt
It's time I wrote about my apartment! The one that I found extremely hard and with lots of help. It is not done yet of course the way I want it to look but decorations are coming (some from my mom who will bring me stuff; some from IKEA -- gotta love that store :).

My rooftop terrace
My entrance

So the outside and inside (for that matter) walls are all white and those of you who have been to my apartment in DC know that there wasn't a single white wall left after an exhausting painting job :)! But for now I'm not painting anything here. I live on the 5th floor (sixth actually with the parter) and it is an attic. Have the whole rooftop terrace for myself and nobody else has a key (besides the nice old guy who is the "manager" of the building). That's where I use my clothes line (yes, no dryers here...) and have parties :). The idea is to decorate it nicely later and get a BBQ, chairs, etc. For now it's great to just sit there (on the only chair I have lol) and enjoy the sun. 

Walk in through the door -- kitchen on the left;
 straight my bedroom;
 right -- living room

It still looks very bare and not really "home" yet but once I start decorating it, it will look more like "my place". My mom is coming in 2 weeks and bringing me fall and winter clothes plus some of my things (which will remind me of the last 9 years..).

Living room

Bathroom -- first left from entrance

That's it. For those who want to come -- more than welcome! It's a little tight but how much room do you really need and how much time do you really spend at home?! My bro is here and occupying the living room :). So far so good (it's been one week). He cooks and makes sure I don't lose any weight......Learning to live together after sooo many years. A little challenging but hey, if we can't make it work then who can?! :) Now you have the complete tour of my place. Wait for updates as it starts to look better :):):):). 


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  3. It looks wonderful, Radost! I love those views and bet you do too ;) Hope you are already feeling much more "home" there by now :)))
