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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Heated salsa
So I told you about meetup".com in BCN. On Sunday night decided to go with a few people from the cava fest to a salsa place. Completely out of my comfort zone -- went by myself, knew just 1 person (from the day before), can't really dance salsa but the bottom line is that I had a great time! :) The place is Mojito Bar and the name is very misleading because the mojitos weren't good at all! I decided to have one and the price was outrageous (at least for my finances now). 

Anyway, the place didn't have many people at first but slowly started packing. I met a few new people and danced some salsa. Most of the people there either took salsa lessons or were teachers themselves so the crowd was pretty good st it.As the night progressed I got better and lost the feeling of "poor-guys-who-have-to-dance-with-a-beginner". :) As one guy said: "I'd rather dance with a beginner". It turned out he liked to teach people like me who barely have any idea of what's going on.....

Sorry for the bad picture but this is what iphone does....My great salsa teacher in DC should be very proud of my moves! (Tanche, was almost like Havana!) :):):)

Jamboree live jazz
Last night was a live jazz night which turned later into club dancing. Discovered this very cool and apparently very good jazz place in BCN which is literally 2 mins from my flat! They had a tribute night and there were all kinds of musicians jamming together. Was really cool! Met my American and British friends there and what a night it was. After the jazz was over it turned into a regular dancing night club and then we finished off at another very cool place located on the same plaza. It is an apartment-made-a-lounge (think 18th St Lounge but not so glamorous and big). It is a very cool place for people to finish the nights. Drinks, sit down, chat...Turned the night into a day again and was in bed at 4:30am....(pic is again iphone..)

Today is a national day for Spain and we are off. Love these holidays! We have one in November too and then December comes with many many days off....:):):). Going to see a movie now and hang out with some more people from another meetup.  As you can see I really can't get bored here and there are tons of things to see and do. Mom is coming tomorrow! :) With a whole suitcase full of my clothes, shoes and goodies! 

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