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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My mom is here! :) And brought me fall/winter stuff. I need it! Trust me, it's getting cold here.....Winter is coming again and another year almost over. Damn; it's going so fast!

Anyway, we are enjoying walks around the city, conversations, cosy nights in the apartment :). My brother continues to be the chef in the house even though my mom is beating him to some dishes he doesn't quite know yet. We had a lovely Saturday -- up in a cable car (awesome views of BCN) and then a nice uphill walk to Monjuic Castle. I visited that place one night back in August when somebody suggested we climb up there at midnight and have drinks at a cool bar. That was no walk! It was almost running for me (mind you, I still had heels), uphill, for 45 mins.....Didn't find the bar and of course the castle was closed. View -- too dark but still a great night!

Much less strenuous now and the castle was open. We could see the whole city and the weather was gorgeous! My bro knows how to prepare some amazing mushrooms and meat -- a treat after a whole day of walking.


Sunday was a day for a day trip to Montserrat -- mountain and monastery (ten centuries old) built in the rocks high up. After a Saturday night out and 4 hours of sleep, I was determined to get up at 8am on Sunday and catch the train (1 hour from BCN). My mom and I -- yes, my bro -- sleep is better than some monastery.....And it's better that he stayed! A hike in the mountain wouldn't have been good for him anyway.

What can I tell you?! The monastery is amazing, the views are breathtaking, and the hike -- well, 10km (one way), uphill to 1,230m in 1.5hrs -- not bad! :) Do not ask my legs how they feel. But it was worth it. Every part of it. The weather was great and we enjoyed ourselves tremendously.

One thing you might notice -- quality of pics is not very good. Reason? I took my camera and realized that the memory card was at home! Mad at myself, I decided to use the iPhone (at least something!) and see if it's worth the money. Verdict?! Anyone? I think they turned OK. Can always be better but come on -- enough perfectionism! :)

OK, enjoy the photos (even though they are from my iPhone...and not that great), have a wonderful week and check back soon!!!
PS Who is going to be the 21st follower?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, yay for family time! I feel like I know your mom because we've Skyped so much! I love your pictures!
