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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Saturday, September 4, 2010


So unless you haven't heard I got a job!!!! In BCN!!! :):):) Very happy about it. I went for the interview on Wednesday and asked: When does you school start? Very casual answer: On Monday. Are you kidding me?! I'm trying very hard to suppress 9 years of living in the USA and accepting "last minute way of life here". For the organizing and planning person called Radosveta it takes a lot of trying.....Anyway, that was my third interview this week (talk about the crazy week later) and miraculously it worked. I admit wholeheartedly that a little break will be great but come on -- I'm in BCN. What break?! And who needs it?

The school is in a little town just outside of BCN but it is technically in the metro area. Takes me 20 mins on the train to get there. Since I had no idea about distances and stuff I went for my interview 2.5 hrs earlier....And it was during siesta so all the shops were closed...What do you do in a small town when everything is closed for such a long time?! Well what better than go into a passteseria and buy a yummy pastry?! :) It is even better than the way it looks! Then a bench in the park and some Spanish studying.

The next day called back and said I'm taking it. Went back to the school and met the other teachers (there is an American I can talk to about the US :), got my classes and sorted the books. So here it is. Hold your breath! I teach every day from Monday through Friday 5:30-9:30pm and have 3 classes each day. First class is 6-7 year olds, second -- teens (12-14) and third -- teens (15-17). Deep breath! The kids I can handle (I think); the bigger teens -- kinda scared of them. I remember very clearly what we were in class and it doesn't help much that I barely speak Spanish......Will be asking for ideas how to tame them. Stay tuned.

So this week has been the most intense since I've been here. Started my Spanish (Que tal?) and it is every mornings for 4 hours. I think all kids should learn at least 2 languages when they are still young. So much easier! I mean learning now is great but if you have 100 more things, it gets a little too much. Anyway, so Spanish, then applying for jobs and interviews, getting lost and finding addresses, then my online course about Young Learners (hopefully very useful now) and once I get home I die. Literally!

Tonight we went to a cool Indian restaurant and the food was really good! I actually had something more Pakistani and it was great. After that off to a nice bar that reminded me a bit of 18th St Lounge...

Tomorrow is relaxing, going to this little town 30 mins from BCN by train (Sitges) -- beach, paella and a little sightseeing. So much work to do before Monday but gotta live a little, right?! :) It's again 2am... No wonder I can't keep my eyes open in the morning...

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