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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Sunday, September 5, 2010


View from the beach
What a day! Went to Sitges for the day and came back home at 11:30pm.....A great town half an hour from BCN with cool beaches, food and atmosphere (for BG people it's kinda like Sozopol, Nessabar; for US people -- hm that's a hard one). So it was about  9 or so of us and we managed to get there around 11am. What is the first thing we did?! Straight to the beach!!!! :) It feels great to have the beach right there and be able to just go, lay and swim. Very much like BG beaches and the Black Sea. Thanks to my 70SPF sunscreen I did not burn at all. Actually it is kinda hard to tell that I spent the whole day in the sun today....But we gotta be careful with the skin and that sun, right? (tan is is really great and who wants to think about skin cancer but....).

Our extremely tasty paella!
Anyway after having laid on the beach for 4 hours it was time for....paella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):) It wasn't cheap at all but was so worth it! Having a local in your Cert group helps a lot. Thanks Alem for taking us to this restaurant! We had some great sangria, an awesome desert and some shots in the end...... Can you guess in what state we felt after that?! Complete food coma! What better thing to do than jump in the sea for a refreshing swim and then take a quick nap on the beach?!

This time it was just four of us (food coma got the rest and they went home) and we decided to go to a different beach. All beaches are nice and very close to each other. This one was separated and hidden by some rocks so we started getting down and what is the first thing I see once we get closer? Nudist beach.....Getting naked? Maybe some other time. :) It's interesting though to be dressed on a nudist beach. 

Having gone through our food coma, we decided to walk around the town and look around. It is so pretty!!! And full of tourists.....We consider ourselves locals of course! What is the must-visit place?! A waffle/crepes cafe! Best chocolate waffles ever! Especially when you eat it outside, chocolate is dripping everywhere and your face looks like the happiest child on earth....

My waffle w/ chocolate and bananas!

From there it was a nice walk around the town, enjoying the history, views and bumping into tourists! If you didn't know, Spanish people are very obsessed (in a good way) with meats. By this I mean cured meat mostly (kinda like prosciutto)-- close to BG and our "pastarma, sudjuk, etc". So we stumbled upon a shop that sells this great prosciutto! Amazing! First I had to try a little bocadillo (flauta) and then of course had to buy some meat...The meat person in me couldn't resist. Prices are very interesting. For example 20 eu for 100 gr....


We finished the night with mohitos on the beach. Nothing better than sitting on the sand, listening to the waves and having a good conversation. Could have stayed there longer but we had to catch the last train back so left beautiful Sitges at 10:30pm. Definitely going back again....


  1. This sounds like vacation :)

  2. Thanks for posting, dear! :) Sometimes I wonder if you guys are reading.....
