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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Time and chocolate

It's such a luxury to have a few hours free time to be able to read a 300-page book! I've always appreciated the small things in life but am realizing some I never really paid close attention to. One of them is time. I have a lot of free time here -- there are no relationships to take care of (well, almost none or should we say no serious relationships ;), no studying, not many friends (this is a negative aspect). Besides work I have all the rest of the time for myself (and my bro but I have to admit he is not very needy). It is amazing!

It's another story that the book I read (took it from BG, in Bulgarian) turns out to be this witty-written book about relationship and chocolate and girlfriends.....I should have been more prepared before starting it. And even though the cover says that I should have tons of chocolate before I start reading, I didn't think I'd need it. However, now that I'm done with it and it is almost 12am, I realize I should have listened to the advice.

Most of you know that I'm not a chocolate fan, as a matter of fact I used to say that I don't really like chocolate that much and can live without it. Well, that was before. Things change. People change. I still can live without it but am craving and eating more sweet things than ever before. This started maybe 2 years ago -- I think it's age. People change.

So after reading "The Chocolate Lovers' Club" I feel like some chocolate now. However I will have wait until tomorrow to get some. I have to admit that the chocolate I can eat with the spoon without stopping is the Nutella chocolate spread....Before one small spoon would do it and that was enough. Now....Give me the jar and wait and see!

To all chocolate lovers -- enjoy! :)


  1. I want it! Both, the book and the jar ;)

    ... or maybe it's really time for bed :D

  2. Radost, I found Cava in Trader Joe's. Max and I just finished a bottle last night (we HAD to since we lost the top:))

    How is running working out for you? You should start out the right way -- with intervals of running and walking. With time, you increase the running and decrease the walking times, and before you know it, running for 30 min non-stop is no biggie. Check out the free running podcasts (Couch to 5K is one, although it starts out really slow). We should run a marathon together next year? :)

    P.S. Dark chocolate is good for you.
