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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First day after vacation

So I survived the first teaching day of the new year. The kids came running, full of energy, shouting, sing fast Spanish which I don't understand and, I have to admit, creating a wonderful kids-like atmosphere. I kinda missed them. Don't quote me at the end of the week. My teens were also somewhat enthusiastic even though by the end of class had no energy for ENG whatsoever and couldn't wait to get out of school. At least my last class is a grownup who is preparing for an exam and is not only serious about studying but I can als talk to him about regular life stuff. Try that with the teens. Good luck...

I should have started the blog with something very important -- I ran today!!! Well, "ran" is a little too much if you consider my total running time of 15 mins (broken by walking). I went to the beach, ran, walked, exercised and the weather was gorgeous! This I can prob get used to doing. But inside some gym....Nope. Thanks Alex for the advice and the info :). I actually found out on my own that there is no way I can just run. It was running and then walking and then running again. As far as a marathon -- hahahahaha. Yeah, sure! ;) Cava is great, right?!

I got my Nutella today. I got home and after a nice salad had to have a few small spoons, still thinking about the book from yesterday. It turns out (I did some online research) that the author, Carole Matthews, has tons of books and they are all...romantically written. I mean -- don't get me wrong. She is no Danielle Steele (I mean this in a positive way) and her books seem to be written in a funny, yet somewhat down-to-earth way but you still get the gone-bad relationship, then the life which sucks, then the prince on a white horse and so forth. Hm, maybe not now. Thanks.

Another important news is......a dear dear friend will be my first guest in BCN!!!!! :) January 28th and we are conquering BCN! Spring is coming people and then summer. Do not wait too long -- who knows where I might decide to move next.....Center-city apartment, beautiful city, sea and me -- what more do you need?!

OK, as you can see I'm trying very hard this year to keep the blog updated regularly. That might mean shorter blogs and sometimes no pics but you get to read my wonderful writings and stay in touch with me. Still not all details go out here but if you are dying to find out, shoot me an email! Hasta pronto! xxxxx

1 comment:

  1. So, it "blog updating" your New Years Resolution? I like that!

    Also, great job on running! Jealous I won't be your first visitor! Yay for Nutella! And best of luck getting back into the swing of things.
