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Barcelona, Spain
Finding myself....

Monday, March 28, 2011


The photos in this blog are not mine. To find out more about them go to http://humanplanet.com/timothyallen/

I've discovered this insatiable drive in me for travelling....Not sure if I've always had it and never really paid much attention to it or it has rapidly developed within the past year or so. I want to take a year off and just travel. Go to Asia and Africa and South America and Australia and Europe....I even have this desire to go to Antarctica and I don't really like being cold!

This new BBC series that I started to watch has really intensified it. It's called "Human Planet" and some of you might have already seen it but I just discovered it. It is AMAZING! The places that the crew went to and the experiences that they had.....Unbelievable! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00llpvp

I want to go and explore hidden places of the earth; learn about people and cultures and way of living; take pictures and just enjoy. Is it so much to ask for?!?!

Not really sure how I fit in the whole start-a-family-work-a-9-5-job-raise-kids routine......The more I explore the more determined I become to accomplish this dream of mine. And who would think that I'm such a person?!?! Roughly 2.5 years ago I was living comfortably in DC, with a secure job which was no career and had no potential but was stable; had a long-term relationship which was thought to materialize into a family sooner than later; friends who I didn't have much time to see but knew were there; a family that was extremely far away and some dreams of travels.

Fast forward to today and here I am now. During these 2.5 years I have built such strong relationships with my friends which I'm sure can withstand the test of time and distance; have stared travelling and meeting tons of new people; have discovered myself and as I continue to do so I get more amazed every day; have enjoyed time with my family which is extremely valuable and precious and have realized that life has so much to offer.

I have bought my tickets to India and Nepal and can't wait to go there! It's about 2 weeks before I go to Andalucia and everyone tells me I'm gonna love it. I'm planning 3 more trips as friends are coming to visit me and I'm going to visit them. Life has turned from exploring BCN to exploring the world......

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